Who woulda thunk? It's actually a very easy technique to learn and beautiful to wear!
I am having so much fun with it. I like to crochet but I LOVE to knit so that will be on my list of things to learn. Stay tuned.
The best part about creating my first necklace was that I only used the chain...there was no real stitching involved. (Of course there are other projects that involve more stitches).
Don't get me wrong, it's so much easier to crochet with yarn, because yarn has more movement. Crocheting with the wire (I used 28 gauge) doesn't move as well, and if your like me with a very tight tension it makes it even more difficult to keep things moving.
Despite the minor challenges it works very fast and it's more interesting than stringing on wire. After your first strand, you'll be watching your favorite show while creating wonderful pieces!
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